Rev. Craig A. Lantz's Magic & Balloons with a Message
Who or what are JoyBringers?
JoyBringers are teens with a mission!
They are members of a fun ministry that works to brighten the lives of others.
Members of JoyBringers groups learn to make balloon sculptures and animals. Everyone loves balloons! People of all ages love to watch someone make those squeaky, twisted balloon animals and things. Older people love to be visited by kids. This is especially true of older people in nursing homes, many of whom get few visitors. Put all these thing together and what do you have?
Our kids are having a great time discovering that they can make a real difference in peoples' lives. Their visits to area nursing homes have shown them that a brief visit can make a big difference in a resident's day and be long remembered.
They have also found that not every visit is easy or appreciated. They are gaining an understanding of what some people endure with constant pain or disability. They are finding out what it really means to be lonely. They are finding out that they can help.